2:04 a.m.8 days until Christmas. Mixed emotions over here. Christmas is my favorite holiday don’t get me wrong, it’s just that along with the joy the spirit of the holiday also includes a host melancholy clouds. The spirit of the this holiday serves as a reminder of loved ones lost. My mom was a huge Christmas enthusiast (especially for her grandchildren). Bells and whistles yada, yada, yada. My sister and I struggled through out the years to keep my mom’s tradition going but have failed miserably.
This Christmas will mark seventeen years since our mother’s passing and I can honestly count on one hand how often we would come together to celebrate. Seriously, one hand.
In eight days we will attempt to rediscover and reunite with our families without the excuses of having to work on said holiday or going to in-laws houses. We will make every effort to preserve this time of the year and create more memories and reveal past ones to our offspring. There will be no certain standard just making the time to be together. I will update you on “ Project Christmas Reconnect 2017” very soon.
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